Development Log

Development Log


The development of the game starts from our coincidance on the final project. Without a given topic, we demonstrated to start from concepts of games that we are interested in. Unexpectedly, all of us have played the 2D platformer game - Hollow knight. Although the platformer is already implemented in project 1, we thought it would be still fascinating to implement a new version with better boss and other interesting features. We start from setting up the general scene concepts of the game from tutorial(town) -> forest -> cave -> graveyard. Then we design the boss according to the style of each level. Then we draw the animation of the player and boss 

 according to the skills that we tend to assign to them. After implementing the player and boss, we incorporate the necessary system such as the health system or the general set up of each scene. Finally we tested the game and provided feedback to improve players’ experience on the


Screenshots of Development:

Cave Boss

Forest Boss

Jumping Sprite of Main character


We did playtesting in different stages of the game development and made changes to the game corresponding to the feedback we received. In the beta test, we received comments about the jump motion, we did try to improve the performance of the jump. We reset the original design of changing gravity which enables the character to jump smoother and easier to operate. Also we use playtesting mostly for battle with the bosses we have. We playtest the battle throughout the whole boss fight to ensure that all attacking techniques of player and boss are functioning properly. Besides, playtesting is also taken by players who are not familiar with platformer games to ensure that the difficulty level of the game is friendly for most players. After the completion of most of the game, we playtest the game mainly focusing on the supplementary system such as health or sound effect system to ensure the game presents properly.

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